all postcodes in L26 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L26 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L26 1TA 8 0 53.361108 -2.845335
L26 1TB 17 0 53.360644 -2.843553
L26 1TD 7 1 53.36072 -2.845598
L26 1TE 27 0 53.357961 -2.839158
L26 1TF 23 0 53.357943 -2.840404
L26 1TG 42 0 53.358779 -2.839129
L26 1TH 14 0 53.360134 -2.843302
L26 1TJ 7 0 53.358594 -2.841138
L26 1TN 42 0 53.358404 -2.84133
L26 1TP 41 0 53.35809 -2.842135
L26 1TQ 15 0 53.357895 -2.840869
L26 1TR 28 0 53.356513 -2.840436
L26 1TS 23 0 53.355374 -2.838581
L26 1TT 10 4 53.357384 -2.837734
L26 1TU 21 0 53.357897 -2.837909
L26 1TW 17 0 53.355515 -2.838028
L26 1TX 23 0 53.359474 -2.842508
L26 1TY 35 0 53.358103 -2.843187
L26 1TZ 14 0 53.3564 -2.841245
L26 1UA 44 0 53.358369 -2.843643